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Food and drink in Uganda

You don´t have to worry about eating in Uganda. You will always get enough delicious food. Either you prefer the international restaurants or you try the local smaller restaurants. In Kampala you will find restaurants of high standart which are located in firts-class hotels (e.g. Sheraton or Grand Imperial Hotel).

Further restaurants with international food are available (chinese, italian, french, indian and a lot more). Additionally you can (you must!) get aquainted with the regional cooking in the small african restaurants. They often offer an "all you can eat" buffet for lunch, where you can enjoy very typical Ugandan food. Price: Not more than 3-5 EUR. Ask you driver or travel guide for insider tips.


In first-class restaurants the prices are accordingly. These are not as high as in Europe, but they are still expensive. At a normal restaurant 10 to 15 Euros will suffice. At the small african restaurants a few Euros will do.

The Ugandan Cuisine - delicious and inexpensive

The basic food per se in the ugandan cuisine is the plantain (Matoke), a banana, which tradionally gets steamed wrapped in banana leafs. It is served with different vegetables, meat, fish and/or peanut sauce. All of it very tasty. You also have to try the numerous snacks which are offered at every corner. Recommended are especially Chapati (flat dough-cakes from water and flour) and Samosas, fried dough-pockets filled with meat or vegetables.

There is no lack of beverages: Water, tea, coffee, beer, wine and spirits are on every menu or available in shops.

Kommentar zu Essen und Trinken in Uganda

Comment from _Dakar on the Thursday, June 17, 2010; 13:43:15 h

Die Grundlage schlechthin für jedes afrikanische Essen bilden Kochbananen (Matoke), die traditionell in Bananenblätter eingehüllt gedünstet werden.

ES STIMMT NICHT SO! Uganda ist nicht Afrika. Wo ich her komme wird KEINE Kochbananen gegessen. Und ich kenne unzählige afrikanische Gegend wo auch nciht der Fall ist! Aber wie es immer ist, wird Afrika oft als Dorf betrachtet. Die bayerische Küche wird nie mit der europaischen Küche assimiliert. Warum machen Sie es, wenn um Afrika geht?

Kommentar zu Essen und Trinken in Uganda

Comment from root on the Sunday, January 09, 2011; 15:54:47 h

Da haben Sie Recht! Gemeint war hier nicht ganz "Afrika", sondern speziell Uganda.

Ich habe den Text entsprechend geändert! Danke für den Hinweis.

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